MAZINGUE & ASSOCIÉS strives to offer its clients the strategy and solution best suited to their needs.
MAZINGUE & ASSOCIÉS believes that conflicting options, experience and expertise on a single case creates added value for the client.
Make an appointment with one of the firm's lawyers who would listen to you and advise you.
While security and social protection are rights, whether it concerns employers' interest or those of employees, legal clarification on certain points are very useful when they are particularly complex.
Commercial law includes all regulations applicable to companies and traders on professional activities and those regulating commercial activities.
Corporate law includes all regulations that govern companies from their incorporation (creation of the company) to its closure (liquidation), while covering other aspects like capital increase and merger with another company. It applies to both commercial and non-trading companies.
Intellectual property rights cover all rights related to intellectual creation and intellectual work, whether it concerns literary or artistic work, work applied to industry, or software creation.
Property law covers a wide range of areas, from laws applicable to construction activities, to the law applicable management, administration and property transaction, as well as condominium laws.
MAZINGUE & ASSOCIÉS also works in the domain of corporate criminal law, especially on specific offences relating to the conduct of business.
Arbitration is a private dispute resolution procedure opted by the parties instead of legal proceedings. The dispute is then subject to an agreement between the parties, it is a consensual procedure.
Law of warranty, sureties and enforcement measures makes allow claims payment in the event of debtor default.
6 Boulevard Voltaire
01 45 74 90 25